We're attempting to raise our baby - a boy - for one year on everything borrowed, some things blue. We're hoping to borrow, rent or buy used everything from baby clothes to furniture to diapers. We're first time parents, living in New York City, and hope this little experiment will help us enter parenthood with a bit more awareness and a lot more humility.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Last few visits with Sabba

We didn't know it at the time, but these were the last two visits Gavi had with Sabba before he passed away. The picture where Gavi's smiling, bright with wonder, is him looking at Sabba. And here's a video of their famous "gorilla" game - They shared a special bond and we really miss him. Here are a few more pictures.
Here are some more pictures.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crashing in Essex Fells

We had a fun time staying with Sonia for a few days, preceded by some visits to the Bronx by Tamar and Paulo. Here are some pics. We also had our second or third really good dining out experience with the everything borrowed baby - California Pizza Kitchen - and captured his newly forming curls.
Here's a video of him just on the verge of crawling to Tamar -

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Visiting Doda Eva and Uncle Marty

We had a great trip to Omaha to visit with Uncle Marty and Doda Eva and, of course, Baron. The EBB swam in a pool for the first time, had a wonderful massage, discovered a love for tofu, and spent lots of time playing in the living room. It was a great relaxing trip and we wish were back there right now. Here are more pics and videos.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The cutest boy

The cutest boy, I ever saw, was sipping (water) thru a straw:
Here are some more pics.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Getting Around the Hard Way

The Everything Borrowed Baby isn't crawling, but he is managing to get around - somehow - scooting, lunging, pushing, pulling - and spinning:

In boxes and shopping charts

As the weather got warmer we seemed to find lots of boxes and shopping carts in which to put the EBB. And I love the muscle shirt!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Continues to be a fan of the fan

The Everything Borrowed Baby has always loved ceiling fans - now he loves being fanned, too. Thank you, Aunt Akis!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hiking with David Harris

So, we went to Bear Mountain with David Harris and saw...a BEAR! It was crazy. We were hiking along and then this big group of Korean tourists starting yelling at us and we looked 20 feet in front of us and there was a BEAR. It was insane. But David shooed it a way and we were fine. Here are some pics of EBB sitting in his first ever forward facing carseat (Ella's), eating bagels before the hike and finally, enjoying the hike. There are some bear pics, but she/he's in the distance at that point.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

San Fran!

We spent almost twp weeks with our friend Nicole on her HOUSEBOAT outside of San Francisco. It was a blast. Here are some pics.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Family Hike up Mt Tam

Okay, we actually drove up Mt Tam and then hiked around the top, but it was so beautiful and a perfect ending to our amazing trip. Thank you, Nicole!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scooting to a seated position!

Within days of arriving in CA for a much needed vacation, the EBB learned to sit up on his own. Yeahhhh!! Nothing like the CA sunshine to inspire greatness.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Clap clap clap!

On his first birthday, the Everything Borrowed Baby celebrates one year of basically everything borrowed by learning how to clap!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Slip sliding away

After a post birthday party nap, Danny and I took the EBB to the park for a little fun. Love the pics of him on the swing - wee! And the video of him on the slide:

Happy Mother's Day/Happy Birthday

We had a few of the grandparents over for a little mother's day/first birthday celebration a few days before the EBB's actual birthday. The pics in the post are his first experience with mac and cheese! Wish we had taken more pictures of the whole family, but here are a few of the birthday boy and two of his grandpas.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kathy's Park and the cool kippah

Life is pretty sweet when you're hanging in Kathy's park on a beautiful day and then drumming at night in your cool kippah. Here are more pics.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tracy's birthday, CJ and more pics

A few pics from Tracy's birthday in the park, meeting up with CJ in front of the building and catching some good light on the terrace with Abba.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Standing in the Crib

Here is the EBB on April 27th, one of the first times we realized he could "stand" in the crib:

And here he is again practicing on June 9:

Getting better, eh?

Hang'n with Grandpa Avi and Abba

Nothing special - just hanging out while mommy is working on a beautiful day. More pics.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We had a great Passover - filled with lots of visiting relatives! The Pittsburgh Rooses came to town, as did Doda Maxine and the Dicksteins, for the seder. And then our Israel cousins came for an impromptu meal mid-week. Here are some pictures.

Me and my Abba - also on April 24

How can one kid be so cute all on one day? Here are more pics from this magical moment in time.

Having a cute day - April 24

Just a cute day that had to be captured. Here are some more pics.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Matt and Ann Marie's Wedding in DC

We had a great time at Matt and Ann Marie's wedding in DC in April. It was great to see DiDi and Ster, and also spend lots of time with Sara. Gavi listed intently to the toasts! Here are a few pics.