We're attempting to raise our baby - a boy - for one year on everything borrowed, some things blue. We're hoping to borrow, rent or buy used everything from baby clothes to furniture to diapers. We're first time parents, living in New York City, and hope this little experiment will help us enter parenthood with a bit more awareness and a lot more humility.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Everything Borrowed Update

We imagined when we started this blog that raising our child on everything borrowed would be full of adventure and insights, things to share, stories of struggles and failures. It turns out - so far, so good, and not that much to write about.

(and little time to write!)

The first few weeks were filled with a near constant parade of people bringing things over (yeah friends and family) - so much so that we actually had too much stuff! Turns out the signing up for things worked for some folks (most folks, actually) but other folks just brought over big containers of (mostly great) stuff. Most people labeled what they wanted back, but a few folks didn't (Michelle is a bit anxious that she's already passed on to her sister-in-law a few tops that may not have been ours to pass on...but they weren't labeled!)

We struggled for awhile with baby furniture (almost spending $1000 for a used set from craigslist before realizing we could make do with what we had (an old bookshelf, a crib borrowed from a neighbor, and exchanging the borrowed card table/changing table we've been using for Danny's brother's old dresser).

A few nice surprises/potential resources:

Michelle's mom has made some great garage sale finds (including his favorite bouncy chair and a great umbrella stroller);

A family friend bought us some things from the uber cool Upcycled Designs - which takes old kids' clothes/gear and makes new ones out of it (we love our diaper bag made from old Smurf sheets and a towel!);

After messing up (twice!) buying used hospital grade pumps on eBay (warning: never bid postpartum!) a friend gave us a (never used, but given to her by the hospital where she birthed and therefore not "purchased") hand pump that's pretty good for now - but not ideal for when Michelle goes back to work...

And, we got a pretty cool used baby carrier from a Baby Wearing Swap Yahoo listserv.

Right now we're on the market for the following things (and we're happy to buy them):

- a used Symphony or Lactina Medela breastpump
- a used rear-facing carseat (ideally one that's compatible with the Graco travel system) for when he's over 22 pounds (he's now between 15 and 16!)
- a used cool joggling/off-roading stroller
- a used diaper changing pad (to use in the house)
- a used Ergo baby carrier (Michelle has ergo envy...)
- 4-6 used medium (for over 15 pounds) diaper covers (we've been using Bummis and Motherease and really like both)

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Look for all your used diapering needs at www.diaperswappers.com

    Plenty of used baby carriers at www.thebabywearer.com

    Both have excellent For Sale or Trade

    Also www.jilliansdrawers.com has a gently used diaper section.
